MezerToolsA simple toolkit for UI designers & programmers.
Screen MeasurementMeasure screen elements in pixels. By default, the hotkey is Win+C (on Win8+, use Win+Shift+C)
Keyboard Shortcuts
Measuring from the "right" or "top"
Want more power? Try the excellent Calipers from Iconico. They're shareware with an unlimited free trial. (Poke around-- there's some other good stuff there too!) Screen CaptureBy hitting Windows+S, you can capture an arbitrary screen rectangle. When selecting a rectangle, you can use the mouse, or use arrow keys and +/- keys for single-pixel tweaking.. Using the right-mouse button (or holding down CTRL) to end the snapshot allows you to add stamps (left button) or highlight (middle button or CTRL+LeftButton) to the shot. You can then right-click to Save to ClipBoard, save to My Pictures, etc. NEW: You can change the "red arrow" stamp
to one of your own choosing. Save a PNG named MEZER_STAMP.PNG or a bitmap
named MEZER_STAMP.BMP to your My
Pictures folder. The color white will be transparent, and the exact center
of the stamp will be placed at the mouse cursor (so use whitespace
wisely). Alternatively, you can capture a windowed control's canvas. To use the window capture feature, use Win+Alt+P to bring up the MezerTools window, and drag and drop the blue arrow to the window to copy.
Random Other features
HintIf you find there are hotkey overlaps with other programs on your system (especially on Windows 8 or 8.1), use the Registry Editor to edit the entries under HKCU\Software\Bayden Systems\Mezer. Restart MezerTools to pick up the new hotkeys. Simple command lines to change the Win+* value to other
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